Friday, June 27, 2008

Offertory for 6/29/2008

Daniel 3. Like as in the burnt offerings of rams and bullocks, and like as in ten thousands of fat lambs: so let our sacrifice be in thy sight this day, that it may please thee: for they shall not be confounded that put their trust in thee, O Lord.

Sicut in holocausto arietum et taurorum,
SEE-koot een hoh-loh-COW-stoh ah-REE-ay-toom ayt tah-oo-ROH-room
like in burnt-offering of-rams and of-bulls

et sicut in millibus agnorum pinguium:
ayt SEE-koot een MEEL-lee-boos ahn-YOH-room PEEN-gwee-oom
and like in ten-thousands of-lambs of-fat

sic fiat sacrificium nostrum
seek FEE-aht sahk-ree-FEE-chee-oom NOHS-troom
so let-it-be sacrifice ours

in conspectu tuo hodie, ut placeat tibi:
een kohn-SPAYK-too TOO-oh HOH-dee-ay, oot PLAH-chay-aht TEE-bee
in sight thine today, that it-might-be-pleasing to-thee

quia non est confusio confidentibus
KWEE-ah nohn ayst kohn-FOO-see-oh kohn-fee-DAYN-tee-boos
for not is confusion to-those-putting-trust

in te Domine
een tay, DOH-mee-nay
in thee, Lord

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Dominican Confiteor

This version is found in the older Dominican books, as well as the post-Vatican-II editions.
Confiteor Deo omnipotenti
kohn-FEE-tay-ohr DAY-oh ohm-nee-poh-TEN-tee
I-confess to-God all-powerful

et beatæ Mariæ semper Virgini,
ayt bay-AH-tay mah-REE-ay SAYM-payr VEER-jee-nee

and to-blessed to-Mary always virgin

et beato Dominico Patri nostro,
ayt bay-AH-toh doh-MEE-nee-koh PAH-tree NOHS-troh
and to-blessed to-Dominic to-Father to-ours

et omnibus Sanctis, et vobis, fratres,
ayt OHM-nee-boos SAHNK-tees, ayt VOH-bees, FRAH-trays

and to-all to-Saints, and to-you, brothers

quia peccavi nimis cogitatione,
KWEE-ah payk-KAH-vee NEE-mees koh-jee-taht-see-OH-nay

because I-have-sinned according-to thought,

locutione, opere, et omissione,
loh-koot-see-OH-nay, OH-pay-ray, ayt oh-mee-see-OH-nay,
speach, work, and omission

mea culpa;
MAY-ah KOOL-pah;

by-mine by-fault;

precor vos orare pro me.
PRAY-kohr vohs oh-RAH-ray pro may.
I-beg you to-pray for me.

Remember Pray in Latin — Satan Hates it!
Copyright Louis Pizzuti

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Singing the Divine Office

Last year, I spoke of the dearth of materials available for singing the Liturgy of the Hours.

Well, that situation hasn't changed much.

So, I figured the best thing to do is make the chant of the old office available in print.

This past week, I have republished the Antiphonarium Ordinis Prædicatorum (the Antiphonary of the Order of Preachers) and the 1911 Antiphonale Romanum (Roman Antiphonal). The Roman Antiphonal contains all the chant necessary to sing the day hours of the 1962 Roman Breviary, which is currently approved by Rome for those who prefer the older, Extraordinary Form of the Roman Mass.

Both can be ordered at

Cantemus Domino - Let us Sing to the Lord.


Offertory Antiphon for Solemnity of Sts Peter and Paul, Graduale Simplex

One of the often ignored jewels of Gregorian Chant which came out of the decrees of the Second Vatican Council is the Graduale Simplex, or Simple Gradual. This is the Communion Antiphon for the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, which we celebrate this Sunday.

Tu es Petrus, et super hanc petram ædificabo Ecclesiam meam.
You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church

Tu es Petrus,
too ays PAY-troos
Thou art Peter

et super hanc petram
ayt SOO-payr hahnk PAY-trahm

and upon this rock

ædificabo Ecclesiam meam.
ay-dee-fee-KAH-boh ay-KLAY-see-ahm MAY-ahm
I-will-build Church mine.

For more prayers like this, including the Rosary and the Ordinary of the Mass, visit

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Can a Catholic Dissent?

In a word, no.

Let me explain.

I use the word "Catholic" to indicate one who is in communion with the Bishop of Rome, the Pope.

By the Vatican I definition of Papal Infallibility, it is impossible to be in communion with the Pope without assenting to Papal Infallibility. "So then, should anyone, which God forbid, have the temerity to reject this definition of ours: let him be anathema." Pastor Aeternus. Certainly, one cannot rationally hold that Rome does not have the right to define who and who is not in communion with her.

Papal Infallibility applies only in those cases where the Pope makes a definition regarding faith or morals.

The Ordination of Women is a perfect example of this. Pope John Paul II stated explicitely that the Church has no power to confer ordination to women.
In other words, it cannot be done.
It is not a question of justice.
It is not a question of fairness.
It is a question of what is POSSIBLE.

A woman can no more become a priest than can a man give birth.
This is the Church's teaching. And, given that it has been defined both by tradition and by a Pope, it is an irreformable teaching.

One who would dissent from this is denying Papal Infallibility, and, as such, by definition, ceases to be Catholic.
This is not a case of judgment by the Church. It is a case of simple logic.

The Church does not impose excommunication for private opinion.

The situation changes, however, in the case of a woman who attempts to be ordination, or a bishop who attempts such an ordination. Such a person is no longer holding an opinion, but has publicly declared that they are no longer in communion with the Bishop of Rome. They have publicly repudiated Papal Infallibility, and have therefore publicly excommunicated themselves.
Do you see that the Church is not punishing them for dissent? The Church imposes no judgment in this case, but, in declaring them excommunicated, the Church recognizes that they have cut themselves off.

So, a Catholic cannot dissent, because
1) In dissenting, one implicitly rejects Papal Infallibility
2) In rejecting Papal Infallibility, one is no longer in Communion with Rome, and therefore
3) In dissenting, one ceases to fall under the definition of Catholic.

In short, the term Catholic Dissent is self-contradictory and meaningless.